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‡ Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No. 2013YQ09094304), the Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11034008 and 11274324).
When the cold atom clock operates in microgravity around the near-earth orbit, its performance will be affected by the fluctuation of magnetic field. A strategy is proposed to suppress the fluctuation of magnetic field by additional coils, whose current is changed accordingly to compensate the magnetic fluctuation by the linear and incremental compensation. The flight model of the cold atom clock is tested in a simulated orbital magnetic environment and the magnetic field fluctuation in the Ramsey cavity is reduced from 17 nT to 2 nT, which implied the uncertainty due to the second order Zeeman shift is reduced to be less than 2×10−16. In addition, utilizing the compensation, the magnetic field in the trapping zone can be suppressed from 7.5 μT to less than 0.3 μT to meet the magnetic field requirement of polarization gradients cooling of atoms.
In the past two decades, the accuracy and stability of atomic fountain clock based on laser cooling technology have been improved by several orders of magnitude.[1–4] Due to the gravity on the earth, the interaction time of the fountain clock operated on the ground is limited by the height of the fountain. In the microgravity environment in space; however, the atoms can be cooled and then launched more slowly and the interaction time can be largely increased. The expected fractional frequency stability can be ∼10−13τ−1/2, where τ is the integration time, and the frequency uncertainty could be up to the order of 10−16.[5] For the demonstration of cold atom clock operation in microgravity, we have developed an 87Rb space cold atom clock (SCAC) which will be operated in near-earth orbit.[6] Different from the magnetic environment on the ground, the amplitude and direction of the external magnetic field in space alter periodically which manifests itself mainly in the ultra-low frequency domain (about 90 min in period and about 40 μT in amplitude). Three parts of the SCAC are sensitive to the fluctuation of magnetic field. First, the fluctuation of magnetic field in the Ramsey cavity will inevitably contribute to the frequency shift of the clock transition via the second-order Zeeman effect.[7] To achieve a fractional frequency uncertainty of the order of 10−16, the fluctuation of the magnetic field in the Ramsey interaction zone should be less than 4 nT. Second, the fluctuation of the magnetic field in the magneto-optical trap (MOT) over 1 μT may affect the temperature of the cooled atom sample,[8] which is cooled to several microkelvins by polarization gradients cooling. Third, the magnetic field direction cannot be reversed and the field gradient remains low to avoid frequency mixing between the transitions due to the Majorana transitions.[7] Typically, the rubidium tube of the fountain clock on the ground is surrounded by multilayer magnetic shields to attenuate the magnetic field. The results obtained from the experiments on the shields of the SCAC flight model show that the axial magnetic field attenuation resulted from the three layers of static shields alone is not sufficient to satisfy the mission requirements. One choice to further improve the magnetic shielding factor is to add more magnetic shields. However, because of mass limitation in space application, an active compensation system of magnetic field is requisite to reducing the fluctuation of the magnetic field in MOT and the Ramsey cavity in the near-earth orbit. The PHARAO project of European Space Agency (ESA) established a complicated mathematical model for the magnetic compensation,[7,8] which is based on their magnetic architecture of a cesium clock and the position of the magnetic sensor.
In this work, we present extensive measurements performed on the magnetic shield of the SCAC flight model. By the optimized choice of the sensor position, a simple model is developed to describe the magnetic fluctuation in the shields. Based on the model, an active magnetic field is used to suppress the magnetic hysteresis by the combination of linear and incremental compensation. After the SCAC assembly and space qualification tests, we have verified the magnetic properties by operating the clock to the hyperfine transition frequency which is linearly proportional to the magnetic field. The fluctuation of the magnetic field in the Ramsey cavity is reduced to 2 nT to meet the mission requirement.
The magnetic architecture of the SCAC is shown in Fig.
Then, the fluctuation of magnetic field is measured by altering the external magnetic field to simulate the near-earth orbit environment (about 90 min in period and 40 μT in amplitude). The fluctuations of magnetic field in the MOT, at the fluxgate, and in the Ramsey cavity are measured by a commercial magnetometer (Mag-01), as shown in Fig.
According to the Preisach model, the magnetic hysteresis loop induced by an unsaturated periodical field can be described as the minor loop.[10,11] The magnetic hysteresis inside the magnetic shields is mainly induced by the outer shield S3.[12] We have measured the magnetic field in the MOT, at the fluxgate F1 and in the Ramsey cavity as a function of the external magnetic field, respectively, which manifest the similar shapes, as shown in Fig.

For example, the linear term of the fluctuation of the C-field CC in the Ramsey cavity is calculated from Eq. (
To verify the compensation strategy mentioned above, we have built a device to simulate the variation of the magnetic field in near-earth orbit. The SCAC is placed inside four coils which are arranged in parallel with each other. By altering the amplitude and the direction of the current in the coils, we can generate the external magnetic field along the axial direction that is regularly changed as the realistic situation in the near-earth orbit, i.e., each cycle of 90 min with the amplitude of 40 μT.
Firstly, the compensation result in the MOT with above linear compensation is shown in Fig.
Simultaneously, the C-field in the Ramsey cavity is also compensated and the result is shown in Fig.
Finally, we test the fluctuation of C-field in the Ramsey cavity using the transition between F = 1, mF = 1 and F = 2, mF = 1 of the 87Rb, which has a linear dependence on the C-field. The Zeeman frequency shift is about 240 Hz and the corresponding C-field fluctuation is about 17 nT with the external field varying as in the near-earth orbit. While it is suppressed to about 30 Hz and the C-field fluctuation is suppressed to 2 nT with the above compensation method, which coincides with the results measured above. Thus, the second-order Zeeman frequency shift of the clock transition due to the C-field fluctuation can be controlled to only 0.92 μHz and the fractional frequency uncertainty can reach about 1.3× 10−16.
In this work, we have measured the fluctuation of magnetic field inside the magnetic shields of the SCAC. To meet the mission requirement, we have developed a compensation method for reducing the magnetic field fluctuation in the near-earth orbit in space. The magnetic hysteresis is suppressed by the active compensation. The magnetic field fluctuation in the MOT is suppressed to 0.3 μT with a suppression factor about 25, while the fluctuation of the C-field is reduced to 2 nT with an external field varying as in the near-earth orbit. With the compensation, the frequency uncertainty due to second-order Zeeman shift should be improved by an order of magnitude from 10−15 to 10−16 during the operation around the near-earth orbit in space. More and more atomic sensors, like the atomic interferometer and atomic gyroscope, etc, would be operated in space. In future, the compensation method can also be used in the equipment as they are all sensitive to the magnetic field.
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